mapping the detroit golf club

With a concern for their prestigious Golf Course and historic Club House, Pipetek and our team responded to the call for action when the Detroit Golf Course required our support in assessing the condition of their exterior sewer line and it’s intersection with the Detroit’s Main Sewer lines on nearby Hamilton Drive.


Initial assessment of the exterior line revealed a number of structural issues, shown in the image provided, consisting of the following:

- Surface damage and erosion along the pipe walls

- Various fractures, breaks and infiltration issues, including roots and hard mineral buildup

- Impacting the pipe line overall, as well as the pipe joints and along fractures within the pipe walls

Evidence of these exterior pipe issues appeared in the Club itself, after the DGC team expressed concerns with occasional flooding and backup throughout the facility. As no maps or prior blueprints existed of the facility interior plumbing, the client inquired about our ability to utilize our Mapping Services to create a schematic informing the facility repairs.

Adhering to the philosophy of “exceeding expectations on each job”, the Pipetek team underwent the mapping process, collecting depth measurements for roughly 90% of the facility plumbing system (schematic visuals provided). Doing so not only led to the ability to diagnose the overall problem, but uncovered answers to DGC questions that had previously been considered “unsolved mysteries” — concluding that a negative grading issue affecting the system’s back flow resulted in the system holding water and debris.

Detroit Golf Club-Exterior Sewer Map Notes-Pipetek.jpg
Detroit Golf Club Basement Plumbing Notes_Pipetek.jpg

A rare look at a famed Michigan Golf Course, we’re proud of the opportunity to work with the Detroit Golf Club and to insure that they’re PGA Tournament ready — from Club House to Course! Thank you to all our team members who worked diligently to complete this unique mapping exercise and we appreciate your continued commitment to our shared success!

#mappingservices #mainlinesewer #sewercamera #excavations


Emergency Flood Response in Detroit, Michigan (june 2021)


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